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Why Young Living

My journey with Essential Oils started late 2015 when a friend of mine introduced me to Young Living Essential Oils.  (See some of my story here).  I didn’t even know what an essential oil was let alone some company called Young Living.  In my mind the name Young Living was a name to insinuate essential oils keeping you young…not that the founder’s name was Gary Young!!

Why Young Living Essential Oils?

Young Living is the world leader in essential oils with over 20 years in business.  However, I wanted to make sure before using essential oils they were not only very safe, but also effective.  Through my research I found not all essential oils are of the same purity.  All oils in the world fall into 1 of 4 categories: Grade A, Grade B, Grade C and Grade D.

I explain more on the grade differences in my FREE online educational classes.  Go here to “Register” for  this informative class.

Store-bought essential oils are not required to include the ingredients on their labels and the term “natural” or “pure” is not regulated by any governing body.  So store-bought oils may say “natural” and “pure” but they may still have synthetic additives.  Almost all store-bought essential oils contain a warning “do not ingest”…this is usually an indication that they are not pure.

Young Living essential oils are therapeutic Grade A Essential Oils.  Young Living Essential Oils are the only essential oil company approved by FDA for over the counter (OTC) medicinal essential oil infused products.  For example check out Young Living’s Mineral Sunscreen Lotion ->

The deciding factor, and differentiator, for me was, and still is, their meticulous quality program “Seed to Seal”.   Young Living’s “Seed to Seal” program catapults the company beyond industry standards.  Young Living owns and provides oversight to every step in the process.  This rigorous quality testing process ensures their essential oils are never diluted, cut or adulterated. <— that last sentence is important!

Each plant is hand-weeded, there are no pesticides used, no chemicals and no weed killers.  The plants are harvested at their peak and put through a vigorous testing process for quality.  Young Living runs 15-20 different tests on the oils to ensure the efficacy and authenticity of all their products.

“Seed-To-Seal” is not a slogan, it’s their promise.  A promise of integrity they prove to me every single day.

I’m not one to always believe marketing hype, so to make sure, I actually went to a farm and distillery to witness first hand their “Seed-To-Seal” process.  Amazing!!

I even planted Lavender!

“Seed to Seal” program is upheld by three essential pillars: Sourcing, Science and Standards.  I encourage you to read more about their “Seed to Seal” process here:

My research led me to be confident in knowing there is no other essential oil company with the highest quality and purity like Young Living.  My family and my wellness have radically changed for the better and I know yours will too!