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Who Should Attend This FREE Online Class?
Those that are not using Young Living Essential Oils and want to learn more about essential oils.

Online via Zoom.  The Zoom link will be emailed to you after registration!​

You can select Monday, Wednesday or Sunday evening from 7:30-8:00pm US CST.  Q/A time may extend past 8:00pm.

Any pressure or obligation to buy?
Absolutely not!  This is for educational purposes only and I promise I won’t ask you to buy anything.

Click “Register Me” below to receive the Zoom link in your email. I look forward to meeting you!!


Note: the Zoom video conference app is Free & you don’t have to use the video feature.  You can download it to your phone from the App Store.

If the day and/or time doesn’t align to your schedule, no worries!  Please feel free to email me directly at to schedule a more convenient time.