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Health & Wellness vLog

Thieves Tea

March 26, 2018


Oh my…you gotta try!  Any time our upper respiratory system has a hint, or actually gets compromised, we run to this solution immediately.  This works every time and I’m so excited to share it with you!!  We call it “Thieves Tea”.

A couple of years back, I met a wonderful family visiting from Latvia.  The husband didn’t speak any english and he had an upper respiratory issue.  I made this for him but called it “Special Tea”.  The only english he spoke over the next couple of days was his requests for “Special Tea”.  He was so thankful.

We also use the upper respiratory tent in combination with Thieves Tea.  You can see that “how-to” video here:

Give it a try! Let me know what you think!

Not all essential oil brands are of the same quality. These instructions are intended for Young Living Essential Oils only. I’m using Young Living Essential oils in all of the videos and in my daily life. My continued research points to Young Living being the world’s leader in purest 100% therapeutic-grade essential oils. Check out their “seed-seal” quality testing process:

Young Living’s essential oils used:
Lemon ~ supports digestive, immune and respiratory systems
Peppermint ~ supports digestive, nervous and respiratory systems, muscle and bones and skin.
Thieves (oil blend of clove, lemon, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus radiata & rosemary cineol) ~ supports overall immune system.

Find me here also: ~ videos, FB Live Tips & more.
Instagram: @oilyhowtos ~ seeing how we daily use & behind the scenes stories.

The statements made in this presentation have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The product’s discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

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